Ezine 3 Launch

E-zine 3 is Live!

Our third e-zine issue brings you the latest updates from the project as well as new role models from our popular Showcase Series.

We introduce you to some more members of our consortium. We invite you to catch up on the latest news from the WeRin project, including an overview of the partner meeting that took place in June in the city of Amsterdam. Hear about the status of the WeRin Principles deliverable and the WeRin workshop that some of our partners delivered during the UIIN Annual Conference in June.

Additionally, get an update from our coordinator on the status of the project and the next steps we have planned. We continue placing the spotlight on a new selection of fascinating women entrepreneurs. Hear from Julia Kirsch (Generation F), Kristina Bajsić Bogović (Horvat & Zebec & Bajsić Bogović) and Tricia Balfe (XMLdation). Finally, learn about the approach to supporting women entrepreneurs in science at North Rhine-Westphalia and meet another one of our project partners: ECWT based in Norway.

Check out the latest edition here: E-Zine – We R In (werinproject.eu)