WeRin launches the WeRLearnin Approach

We are thrilled to announce that the WeRLearnin Approach is now available and free to download.

WeRLearnin ApproachThe WeRin project partners prepared the WeRLearnIn Approach as guidelines for all stakeholders that explain how to utilise the collected project materials to achieve goals in their entrepreneurship teaching and affect their respective ecosystems. The brochure describes The WeRLearnin Approach that includes the WeRin Principles, WeRin Nudges, WeRin Knowledge Port, WeRin Toolbox, designed and developed based on the research and discussions of different stakeholders in the entrepreneurial ecosystems.

As lead partner of work package four, “Design and Deployment,” the FOI project team defined the Approach content, and Momentum led its with feedback and cooperation from all the consoritum partners. The FOI team were also responsible for the creation of the Knowledge Port platform in conjunction with Momentum’s IT team. The free-of-charge platform which stores open access resources is intended for entrepreneurship educators, mentors and programme managers to deliver pilot testing sessions and for all shareholders in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

With more than 120 educational resources, each is categorised to ensure that all shareholders can investigate them for global and regional content of their entrepreneurial ecosystem. Visit the Knowledge Port here: Knowledge Port – We R In (werinproject.eu)