Proud partners of WeRin

At Munster Technological University (MTU), the Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence and the Rubicon Business Incubator are proud partners in the WeRin project.

The Hincks Centre, was established in 2013 to support entrepreneurship in all its forms. Engaging in academic and policy-focused research, education, and training, the Centre is an integral part of the strong entrepreneurship eco-system across MTU, with a commitment to gender equality and equity in the region. The Rubicon Incubator boasts a successful beyond incubator survival rate of over 73%, with approximately 14% of women entrepreneurs, and 3% of women cofounders passing through their doors into the wider ecosystem. The Incubator has assisted start-ups to raise over €83 million since its inception in 2006. WeRin team member and Rubicon Operations Manager, George Bulman, has experience with both women’s entrepreneurship programmes and with mixed-gender programmes, such as the flagship Enterprise Ireland New Frontiers programme.

The Hincks Centre, led by Dr Helen McGuirk, has developed many women-focused entrepreneurship programmes, including The WREN programme or Women in Rural Entrepreneurship Network. WeRin Manager and Research Fellow, Dr Niall O’Leary, with a background in Agriculture-technology, is currently active in providing the Rural Femmes programme to aspiring women entrepreneurs. Senior researcher, Dr. Sarah Davis, is focused on inclusivity entrepreneurship, and her doctoral study explored older entrepreneurship education needs and benefits. Our colleague, Eilis Seoigh provides administrative support for WeRin.

In the next phase of the project, this dynamic team is very much looking forward to leading the WeRin consortium in developing a community of practice to ensure that the project outcomes can benefit education practices and lead to a more inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem for women entrepreneurs.

    Dr. Sarah Davis          Dr. Niall O’Leary.